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Showing books 101 to 120 (of 280) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Picasso et le Theatre: le club francais du livre 1967
Cooper, Douglas 1967 Cercle d`Art $25.00 More Details
  Die Zionistische Komodie im Drama Sammy Gronemanns: Uber Ursprunge und Eigenarten einer Latenten Gattung
Kuhne, Jan 2020 De Gruyter $95.00 More Details
  Faust - Eine Tragadie [TWO VOLUMES BOUND]
Goethe [Johann Wolfgang von] 1912 Eugen Diederichs $45.00 More Details
  Plaute - Comedies - Tome I: Amphitryon - Asinaria [Plautus][THIS VOLUME ONLY].
Plaute [Plautus] / Ernout, Alfred [Tr.] 1976 Societe d`Edition "Les Belles Lettres" $20.00 More Details
  Nathan the Wise: a Dramatic Poem
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim / Maxwell, Patrick [Tr.] / Kohut, George Alexander [Ed.] 1917 Bloch $20.00 More Details
  P. Terenti Afri - Comoediae [Terence ; Publius Terentius Afer].
P. Terenti Afri [Terence ; Publius Terentius Afer] / Kauer, Robert ; Lindsay, Wallace M. ND Oxford University Press $20.00 More Details
  The Percy Anecdotes, Original and Select - Anecdotes of Humour ; Anecdotes of the Stage
Percy, Sholto and Reuben 1820 / 1822 T. Boys $20.00 More Details
  Don Giovanni, Ossia il Dissoluto Punito - Theatre Royal de la Monnaie, Bruxelles [BILINGUAL EDITION ITALIAN-FRENCH]
Da Ponte, Lorenzo ; Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus 1984 BEBA $20.00 More Details
  Stanislavsky on the Art of the Stage
Stanislavsky, Konstantin / Magarshack, David [Tr.] Faber and Faber $15.00 More Details
  Reading for the Stage: Calderon and His Contemporaries.
Benabu, Isaac 2003 Tamesis $35.00 More Details
  Amphitryon: Comedie
Moliere / Pouzet, Maurice [Illustration] 1955 Editions Arc-En-Ciel $25.00 More Details
  Le Medecin Malgre Lui: Comedie
Moliere / Pouzet, Maurice [Illustration] 1953 Editions Arc-En-Ciel $25.00 More Details
  L`ecole des Femmes: Comedie
Moliere / Pouzet, Maurice [Illustration] 1953 Editions Arc-En-Ciel $25.00 More Details
  L`amour Medecin: Comedie
Moliere / Pouzet, Maurice [Illustration] 1955 Editions Arc-En-Ciel $25.00 More Details
  Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme: Comedie
Moliere / Pouzet, Maurice [Illustration] 1954 Editions Arc-En-Ciel $25.00 More Details
  Les Fourberies de Scapin: Comedie
Moliere / Pouzet, Maurice [Illustration] 1955 Editions Arc-En-Ciel $25.00 More Details
  Rich Man, Poor Man: A Folk Play in three acts (Based on Peretz`s Story "Der Arendar")
Citron, Samuel J. 1963 Friends of the Jewish Theatre for Children $35.00 More Details
  Oeuvres Completes de Shakespeare - The Works of Shakespeare: [SEVEN VOLUME SET] [FRENCH-ENGLISH].
Shakespeare, William \ Evans, Henri; Leyris, Pierre [Eds.] 1961 / 1954 Cambridge University Press / Formes et Reflets $220.00 More Details
  Jean Giraudoux: Theatre - Complet [FOUR VOLUME SET].
Giraudoux, Jean 1958 / 1959 Le Club Francais du Livre $45.00 More Details
  Recits et Theatre
Camus, Albert 1958 Editions Gallimard $25.00 More Details

Showing books 101 to 120 (of 280) 

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