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Showing books 861 to 880 (of 890) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Storia dell`Arte Etrusca [TWO VOLUME SET] [COPY #386 OF 1000]
Ducati, Pericle 1927 Rinascimento delLibro $350.00 More Details
  The Yarmukian Culture of the Neolithic Period.
Stekelis, Moshe 1973 Magnes $20.00 More Details
  Storia dei Greci: dalle origini alla fine del secolo V [TWO VOLUME SET].
Sanctis, Gaetano La Nuova Italia $40.00 More Details
  Jüdische Kostümkunde im Biblischen Alterthum
Herschberg, A. S. 1911 Tuschijah $87.50 More Details
Konnte Adam schreiben?
Barthel, Gustav 1972 M. DuMont $45.00 More Details
Architecture in Ancient Rome
Matt, Leonard von 1960 Longmans / Stringa $20.00 More Details
A Dictionary of Classical Antiquities: Mythology, Religion, Literature & Art
Nettleship, Henry / Sandys, J. E. / Seyffert. O. 1899 Swan Sonnenschein & Co. / MacMillan & Co. $30.00 More Details
  Symbolik des Mosaischen Cultus - Erster Band [THIS VOLUME ONLY].
Bähr, Karl Christopher Wilhelm Felix 1837 J.C.B. Mohr $25.00 More Details
A Lexicon of Accadian Prayers in the Rituals of Expiation
Weir, Cecil J. Mullo [James] 1934 Oxford / Humphrey Milford $70.00 More Details
  Naissance de l`Urbanisme dans la Vallée du Nil.
See, Genevieve ; Baux, Jean-Pierre 1973 Serg $25.00 More Details
Obras Completas
Homer 1946 Joaquin Gil $55.00 More Details
Mitteilungen der Vorderasiatischen Gesellschaft: 8 Jahrgang - 1903 / 9 Jahrgang - 1904 [YEARS 8 AND 9 BOUND TOGETHER]
1903 / 1904 Wolf Peiser Verlag $65.00 More Details
  Cleopatra`s Daughter: The Queen of Mauretania
Chanler, Biatrice 1934 Liveright $20.00 More Details
Fragments from the Cairo Genizah in the Freer Collection.
Gottheil, R. & Worrell, H. W. (Ed.) 1927 The Macmillan Company $130.00 More Details
Les Religions Orientales dans le Paganisme Romain
Cumont, Franz 1929 Paul Geuthner $25.00 More Details
Histoire Ancienne, Troisieme Partie. Histoire Romaine
Bloch, Gustav & Carcopino, Jerome 1940/1950 Presses Universitaires de france $30.00 More Details
L`Orient et la Grece Antique. Histoire Generale des Civilisations, Tome I
Aymard, Andre & Auboyer, Jeannine 1953 Presses Universitaires de france $25.00 More Details
Sagwissenschaftliche Studien
Von Hahn, J.G. 1876 Friedrich Mauke $112.00 More Details
Die Schicksalsidee im Altertum
Engel, Wilhelm 1926 Palm & Enke $35.00 More Details
Ceremonial Centers of the Maya
Craven (photo.) / Bullard (intr.) / Kampen (desc.) 1974 University Presses of Florida $20.00 More Details

Showing books 861 to 880 (of 890) 

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