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American History

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Showing books 41 to 60 (of 112) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  Art of the Sixties: Europe and the U.S.A - From the Collection of the Ludwig Museum, Cologne [HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Ben Ari, Pnina ; Meyer, Adina ; Posner, Tirza ; Fischer, Alfred M. [Tr.] 1979 The Tel Aviv Museum $14.06 More Details
  Quetzalcoatl and the Irony of Empire: Myths and Prophecies in the Aztec Tradition [SIGNED BY AUTHOR].
Carrasco, David 1992 The University of Chicago $18.00 More Details
  Biografía del General Francisco Morazán: Segundo premio Republica de El Salvador.
Duenas, Ricardo 1959 Ministerio de Educacion Departamento $38.00 More Details
  Black History: Past and Present [SIGNED BY AUTHOR]
Allen, James Egert 1971 Exposition Press $20.00 More Details
  Crisis Communications: Lessons from September 11
Noll, A. Michael [Ed.] 2003 Rowman & Littlefield $25.00 More Details
  Tears in the Darkness: The Story of the Bataan Death March and Its Aftermath
Norman, Michael ; Norman, Elizabeth M. 2009463 Farrar, Straus and Giroux $30.00 More Details
  New York Jews and the Quest for Community: The Kehillah Experiment, 1908-1922
Goren, Arthur A. 1970 Columbia University Press $20.00 More Details
  A Treatise on the Law of Criminal Evidence.
Underhill, H. C. / Niblack, John Lewis [Ed.] 1935 The Bobbs-Merrill Company $95.00 More Details
  History of the Baron de Hirsch Fund: The Americanization of the Jewish Immigrant
Joseph, Samuel 1935 Baron de Hirsch Fund / The Jewish Publication Society $35.00 More Details
  Decisions of the Supreme Restitution Court for Berlin / Oberste Rückerstattungsgericht (ORG) - Entscheidungen / Cour Supreme des Restitution - Decisions [TWENTY VOLUME SET] [TRILINGUAL GERMAN-ENGLISH-FRENCH EDITION]
Salen, Torsten A. [President] 1954-64 Supreme Restitution Court for Berlin $390.00 More Details
Salt Fish and Shmattes: A History of the Jews in Newfoundland and Labrador from 1770
McGrath, Robin 2006 Creative Book Publishing $130.00 More Details
  The Fateful Triangle: The United States, Israel and The Palestinians
Chomsky, Noam 1983 South End Press $14.06 More Details
  By Their Faith Shall They Live: The Hutterite Colonies in North America 1874-2006 [HEBREW ONLY].
Katz, Yossi; C. Lehr, John 2007 Yad Tabenkin $14.06 More Details
  America and the Holy Land: with Eyes Toward Zion - IV [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Davis, Moshe 1995 Praeger $25.00 More Details
  Gemeinschaftssiedlungen auf religiöser und weltanschaulicher Grundlage [SIGNED BY AUTHOR]
Schempp, Hermann 1969 J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) $25.00 More Details
  Following Columbus: America 1492-1992 [IN HEBREW].
Eliav-Feldon, Miriam [Ed.] 1996 The Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History $17.19 More Details
  Discovering the New World: Based on the Works of Theodore de Bry
de Bry, Theodore / Alexander, Michael [Ed.] 1976 London Editions $20.00 More Details
  Mavoh Le-Toldot Yahadut Amerikah Bitkufat Reshita: An Introduction to Early American Jewish History [IN HEBREW].
Marcus, Jacob R. 1971 The Magnes Press / The Hebrew University $14.06 More Details
  The Cahan Debate (1925-1926): Zionism and Eretz-Israel in the American Jewish Socialist Thought [IN HEBREW].
Goldstein, Yaacov N. \ Toeg, Ruth ; Raveh, Ruth [Ed.] 1999 The Dinur Center $29.69 More Details
  Dona Maria Josefa Ortiz de Dominguez: Corregidora de Queretaro.
Guadalupe Ramirez Alvarez, Jose 1975 Ediciones Culturales del Gobierno del Estado $75.00 More Details

Showing books 41 to 60 (of 112) 

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