Festschrift zum 50 jährigen Bestehen der Hochschule für die Wissenschaft des Judentums in Berlin  

Author Baeck, Leo; Elbogen, Ismar; Guttmann, Julius; Torczyner, Harry; Baneth, E.
Place of Publication Berlin
Publication Name Philo Verlag
Year 1922
Language(s) German
RARE collection of studies in Judaism published on the occasion of 50th anniversary of the Higher Institute for Jewish Studies, a rabbinical seminary in Berlin, which at that time was celebrating fifty years to its foundation in 1872. The volume features five papers on Judaism written by the faculty of the Institute: "Romantische Religion" by Leo Baeck, "Soziale Motive in der rabbinischen Rechtspflege" by E. Baneth, "Ein Jahrhundert Wissenschaft des Judentums" by Ismar Elbogen, "Religion und Wissenschaft im mittelalterlichen und im modernen Denken" by Guttmann Julius and "Die Bundeslade und die Anfänge der Religion Israels" by Harry Torczyner. 240x160mm. 297 pages. Rebound in tan cloth Hardcover. Title and last pages slightly stained. Small pen mark near text on page 5 - NO damage to text. Several extreme page edges slightly worn - NO damage to text. Pages slightly yellowing and wavy. [SUMMARY]: This extremely rare Festschrift is otherwise in good condition.
Price $55.00
(Price does not include shipping costs!)
Catalog Index Number MA 15 29

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