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La Sacra Bibbia volgarizzata da Samuele Davide Luzzatto e continuatori [4 VOLUMES BOUND IN 1]
Volume I. che contiene il Pentateuco / Volume II. che contiene i Libri di Giosuè, dei Giudici, di Samuele e dei Re / Volume III. che contiene i Libri d`Isaia, di Geremia, di Ezechiele e dei dodici Profeti minori / Volume IV. che contiene i Libri dei Salmi, deo Proverbii, di Giobbe, del Cantico, di Rut, dei Treni, dell`Ecclesiaste, di Ester, di Daniele, di Esdra, di Neemia, e delle Cronache I. e II.


Luzzatto, Samuele Davide [S. D.; Samuel David; SHaDaL] / Mainster; Lolli; Luzzatto, Filosseno; Ehrenreich; Pardo; Viterbi; Mortara; Foà
Place of Publication
Publication Name
Reale [Premiato Regio] Stabilimento del Cav. Minelli in Rovigo
1872 / 1871 / 1868 / 1875
FOUR VOLUMES BOUND TOGETHER. RARE Italian translation of the Hebrew Bible, mostly executed in 1858-1860 by Samuel David Luzzatto (1800-1865), the preeminent Italian Jewish scholar and poet, and finished by Abram Mainster, Eude Lolli, Filosseno Luzzatto; Moses Levi Ehrenreich, Jacob Vita Pardo, David Graziadio Viterbi, Marco Mortara, and Foà. 225x145mm. [VIÌ+323] + [264] + [306] + [387] pages. Black cloth Hardcover with sticker on spine. Cover slightly rubbed. Cover corners and edge rubbed. Spine wrinkled. Title-sticker wrinkled and slightly peeling/worn. Spine edges slightly peeling. Two stamps (Comunita Israelita Trieste) on front endpaper. Ink writing and stamp on front whitepage (pre-title page). Pages slightly yellowing and age-stained. [SUMMARY]: This extremely rare copy of the unique translation of the Old Testament from the original Hebrew into Italian by one of the most influential members of the "Wissenschaft des Judentums" movement is in good condition.
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Catalog Index Number
MC 06 11
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