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Photos & Paintings Albums of Israel

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Showing books 1 to 20 (of 218) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  The First Photographs of Jerusalem & The Holy Land
Schiller, Ely / Kyram, Dan[Participant] 1980 Ariel Publishing House $55.00 More Details
  1948:Israel The First Year, A Photo Album
Yadin, Roman 2008 Eretz Hatzvi Magazine $30.00 More Details
  Gardens and Landscape in Israel [IN HEBREW]
Ben Arav, Joseph 1981 HaKibbutz Hameuchad $23.44 More Details
  The Land of Sinai [IN HEBREW]
Inbar, Reuben 1977 Natib Hasefer $23.44 More Details
  Holy Land Scenes 1906: The Imberger Album of Colored Photos - Then and Now [IN ENGLISH AND HEBREW]
Amir, Yoel 2006 Yad Ben Zvi Press $29.69 More Details
  Eva Samuel: Paintings [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Ronen, Avraham [EDIT] / Gilad, Elazar [DESIGNED] 1988 $25.00 More Details
  Painting and Sculpture In Israel: Half a Century of the Plastic Arts In Eretz Israel
Dr. Gamzu, Haim 1958 Dvir Publishers $30.00 More Details
  Scrolls From Qumran Cave I: The Great Isaiah Scroll, The Order of the Community, The Pesher to Hbakkuk
Trever, John C. [PHOTOGRAPHER] 1972 The Albright Institute of Archeological Research / The Shrine of the Book $20.00 More Details
  Album Illustre De L`operation Sinai [IN HEBREW AND FRENCH]
1956 M. Biran $15.00 More Details
Gepner, Benjamin 1957 Ledory $15.00 More Details
  Zahal Parade In Jerusalem: Israel`s 25th Day of Independence May 7, 1973 [IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH]
Golan, Mathi \ Shoham, Shimon \ Hachamoff, Rami \ Yaniv, Haim 1973 Mol-Art $18.75 More Details
  Women of Israel
Waagenaar, Sam 1961 Schocken Books $20.00 More Details
The Real and the Ideal [IN HEBREW]
Manor, Dalia 2009 Beit Hatfutsot $78.12 More Details
  The Write-It-Yourself Israel Book [Write It Yourself]
Breakstone, David ; Jochnowitz, Cindy 1976 The Hebrew University of Jerusalem / The Center for Jewish Education in the Diaspora $30.00 More Details
Rothenberg, Beno [Ed.] 1968 Am Oved $20.31 More Details
  Palastina und die Judischen Colonien
1979 Ariel $18.75 More Details
  Anna Ticho - Drawings and Watercolours
Cohen, Elisheva 1959 Bezalel National Museum $14.06 More Details
  Souvenir from Israel: A Look Behind the Political Stage of the 6-Day-War in 10 Full Page Comic Drawings
Maurüber, F. (Fritz) 1967 Charles Lewis $23.44 More Details
  Atlas of the Jewish World.
de Lange, Nicholas 1992 Facts on File / Andromeda $30.00 More Details
  The Camp of the Jews: Uprooting, Refugeeism and Immigration / Le Camp des Juifs: Déracinement, Exil et Émigration
Ortar, Ilana Salama 2005 Hakkibutz Hameuchad / Red Line - Art Books / Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art $17.19 More Details

Showing books 1 to 20 (of 218) 

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