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Showing books 41 to 60 (of 212) 
Author Year Publication name Price Action
  El Bebedor de Yaje / Ecorasa: Autobiografia de un Secoya
Payaguaje, Fernando; Piaguaje, Celestino 1994 Vicariato Apostolico de Aguarico / Ediciones CICAME $25.00 More Details
  O Uso Ritual Das Plantas de Poder
Caibuy Labate, Beatriz; Goulart, Sandra Lucia [Ed.] 2005 FAPESP / Mercado De Letras $40.00 More Details
  Psychoactive Sacramentals: Essays on Entheogens and Religion
Roberts, Thomas B. [Ed.] 2001 Council on Spiritual Practice $22.00 More Details
  Blicke in die Religionsgeschichte zu Anfang des Zweiten Christlichen Jahrhunderts: I. Der Talmud und die Griechische Sprache, Nebst Zwei Excursen. a. Aristobul, der Sogenannte Peripatetiker. b. Die Gnosis [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Joel, M. 1880 S. Schottlaender $35.00 More Details
  Cazadores De La Patagonia Y Agricultores Andinos: Arte rupestre de la Argentina
Juan Schobinger; Carlos J.Gradin 1985 Ediciones Encuentro $25.00 More Details
  Marriage, Divorce and Succession in the Druze Family: A Study based on decisions of Druze arbitrators and religious courts in Israel and the Golan Heights [SIGNED BY AUTHOR].
Layish, Aharon 1982 E. J. Brill $45.00 More Details
  Buda: Historia de su Religion.
Barthelemy-Saint-Hilaire, J. / de Teran, Luis [Trans.] 1946 Biblioteca Nueva $25.00 More Details
  History of the Samaritans.
Schur, Nathan 1989 Verlag Peter Lang $65.00 More Details
  Lehrbuch der Religionsgeschichte: In Verbindung mit Fachgelehrten - In Zwei Banden - Dritte Vollastandig Neu Bearbeite Auflage [TWO VOLUME SET]
De La Saussaye, Chantepie [Ed.] 1905 J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) $45.00 More Details
  Strengthening Religious Tolerance for a Secure Civil Society in Albania and the Southern Balkans
Pettifer, James ; Nazarko, Mentor [Ed.] 2007 IOS Press $65.00 More Details
  Mysterion und Wahrheit: Gesammelte Beitrage zur Spatantiken Religionsgeschichte.
Bohlig, Alexander 1968 E. J. Brill $20.00 More Details
  Comparative Religion: The Charles Strong Trust Lectures, 1961-1970.
Bowman, John [Ed.] 1972 E. J. Brill $20.00 More Details
  Genesis and Regeneration: Essays on Conceptions of Origins.
Shaked, Shaul [Ed.] 2005 The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities $20.31 More Details
  Ceremonial Selon le Rit Romain: d`Apres Baldeschi et Favrel - Tome Second [THIS VOLUME ONLY]
Le Vavasseur, R. P. 1882 Librairie Victor Lecoffre $30.00 More Details
  Ceremonial Selon Le Rit Romain [SET IN TWO VOLUMES]
Le Vavasseur, R. P. 1902 Librairie Victor Lecoffre $40.00 More Details
  Der Religionsdisput Der Barlaam-Legende, Ein Motiv Abendlandischer Dichtung: Unterrsuchung, ungedruckte Texte, Bibliographie der Legende [SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR]
Peri (Pflaum), Hiram 1959 Universidad de Salamanca $25.00 More Details
  Rites of Birth, Marriage, Death and Kindred Occasions Among the Semites
Morgenstern, Julian 1973 Ktav $20.00 More Details
  Canaanite Myths and Legends.
Driver, Godfrey Rolles 1956 T&T Clark $18.00 More Details
  The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Mediterranean Religions
Stanley Spaeth, Barbette 2013 Cambridge University Press $18.00 More Details
  Studies in the History of Religions (Supplements to Numen) - XLII: Some Religious Aspects of Islam - A Collection of Articles [THIS VOLUME ONLY] [SIGNED BY AUTHOR].
Lazarus-Yafeh, Hava 1981 E. J. Brill $30.00 More Details

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